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Glossary of Parkinson's Disease Terms

Akathesia: restlessness, somewhat relieved by standing or moving


Akinesia: not moving; PWP blink, swallow and move lessAnhedonia: the inability to enjoy/experience pleasure


Bradykinesia: gradual loss of spontaneous movement (often the most disabling of symptoms)


Colinesterase inhibitors: increase acetylcholine by preventing the enzyme from breaking it down. May help memory/concentration/mood (found in Aricept and Excelon)


Dopamine: deficiency in PWP chemical messenger that transmits impulses from one nerve cell to another


Dopamine agonist: given in combination with Levadopa; stimulates dopamine terminals


Dyskinesias: involuntary movements from long-term high doses of levodopaFestination: small, quick forward steps


Hypotension: low blood pressure, low tone in blood vessels allowing blood to rush away from the brain when lifting the head suddenly (cause of fainting)


Parkinsonism: condition with tremor, rigidity, postural instability, bradykinesia


Retropulsion: stepping backwards if bumped from the front (often seen in PWP who lean backwards because of balance problems


Rigidity: stiff muscles; obvious when another person can't move the arm of a PWP


Substantia Nigra: (literally Black Substance) movement control center in the brain where loss of nerve cells trigger symptoms of PD (cells are dark)


Wearing Off Effect: tendency for levadopa (after long-term use) for each dose to be effective for shorter periods.

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